Our Terms & Conditions

Please note that you will be required to aake a 100. deposit advance payment to confirm the booking Full payment is expected for all services at the time of check in (Boarding. Day care) excluded facılities (Groouing, and Training). Check in time is 10an and check out time is llpm (noon) After houra checkin and checkout are charged as applicable. Owner is liable to pay an extra day of boarding charge if the pet is not checkked out by 12noon Payauent deposit is non-refiundable in case of any cancellations no thow. The oumer can make a new booking depending on the availablity of the kennel Owner agrees to be financially rerponnible for kennel property daninged by Pet. Reasonnble costa for damage will be payable upon checkout of Pet.

Owner agrees to pay all costs and charges for apecial servises requested plus all veterinary expenses deened appropriate by Kennel for Pet during the tume tis an the Kennel’scare. Kennel shall attenmpt to contact Owner before ineurring such veterinary services as may be required by Pet’s health and or behavior.

Owner agrees to sign a separate agreement for old age pets that may require special care and service during their boardng at the keanel Kennel hall exercise reasonable care for Pet delivered by Owoer to Kenpel for boarding The Owner firther agrees to be solely responsable for any and all acts or besavior of caid Pet whule stisin the care of the Kennel Pet e found to be aggressive or likely to escape will not be accepted an the kennel. The kennel is not respousable in case a pet acts agrtessive towards the cate givers management and escapes the facility. Kennel ndvises all ownersto ensure therpets are wearing id tags collars with nametags with their full details.

Due to the social nattre of ou Kenael there are some inherent nsks, These niiks may include, bit are not lunited to tranafer of commucable disnases stuch as Canine Papilloma virus (Puppy Warts). Canae Cough and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection Injunes may inchude, but ae net lamited to broken nils, sore feet, pimeture wounds, abrations and cuti. These injuries are generally benign and can uvally be managed by ou staf or at home. In some cases, veterinary care ay be required. Owner specifically represeits to Kennel that Pet has not been expased to rabies oedistemper eithin a thuty-day persad priar to boanlitg Kenneliequires proof of erent Ralies, Distemper and Bordetella vaccinations. We zequire a Bordetella vaccination every six (6) mouths The Bordetella vaccine is not 100 effective: It is recoLmended that it be gisen to vour dog atleast two (2) weeks prior to Pet’s arrival date to increase efficacy. Kennel makes no gaarantees in regards to the Bordetella vaccine. All pets are checked for extemal parasites (leas ticks) upon entry to the facility. If any external parasitesare found, they will be treated accardingly and Owant will beresponsible for those expenses.

If Pet becomes ill or if Pet’s behavior in endangering itielf, humans, or other animals, Kernel, in its sole diueretion, may engage the services of aveterinarian All attenupts will be made to contact the Owner of the Pet first, however, in the event of an extreme emergency, the well-being of tie Pet comes first. The undersigned Owner hereby giver the veterinarian complete authority to treat Pet in whatever mauner deemied necessary. Owner will be responsible for all veterinary charges upoarelease of the Pet. Owner also gives fill autbority for the treating veterinarian and their associates todiscus with Kennel any aspect of any illaess or injury that the Kennel has presented for treatment.

Owner muthorit Kennel to uie pertures of their Pet taken while participating in Kennel activities on its website and in otber promotional materials.

By signng this Agreement and leaving Pet with the Kennel. Owner certifies to the accuracy of all information grven aboat Petto the best of theit knowledge Owner specifically repteienta that he er sheu the sale owner of Pet.

By signing this Agreement. Owner indicates that he or ahe hasreadand accepted all policies listed in this agreement.